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Peyton Manning Still Calling ‘Omaha’

By April 19, 2022July 12th, 2022No Comments

As his long signature call, the Hall of Famer says to invest in Omaha in latest commercial.

Former Colts and Bronco’s quarterback, Peyton Manning, began using the word ‘Omaha’ as a verbal signal at the line of scrimmage in 2012. “It’s just kind of a rhythmic, three-syllable word that meant ‘Hey there’s just two or three seconds on the clock and I need it snapped now,’” Manning explained.

Manning eventually became so attached to the “Omaha” signal that it turned into a charitable investment opportunity. Five Omaha-based businesses pledged to donate $500 every time Manning said the word “Omaha” in his 2014 win over the Patriots. The Omaha Chamber of Commerce wrote a $24,800 check to the Peyton Manning Foundation.

Manning has since named his entertainment company, Omaha Productions, and recently starred in a commercial for Workday, playing off his famous pre-snap audible. The clip features Manning telling an office full of Mannings to “Double our investment in Omaha.”

While it’s just a fun commercial (and we appreciate the shout out), we couldn’t agree more!